Russia to evacuate citizens from Syria

Russia to evacuate citizens from Syria

Russia is preparing the evacuation of its citizens in Syria because of the “deteriorating security situation”, said Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov on Thursday
Pakistani Shiite procession hit by bombing

Pakistani Shiite procession hit by bombing

A bombing claimed by the Taliban killed at least five people and wounded 83 others at a Shiite religious procession in Dera Ismail Khan, in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday
Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistani officials said Thursday that Pakistan has temporarily suspended the NATO supply route crossing its northwestern border into Afghanistan due to fears of Islamist attacks. An official said the NATO trucks have been held...
Iraq’s security remains a big question

Iraq’s security remains a big question

(VOVworld) – Although half a year has gone since American forces lowered its flag in Baghdad last December marking 9 years of its operations in Iraq, the country’s security remains a big...
US – Afghanistan relationship strained

US – Afghanistan relationship strained

(VOVworld) The US - Afghanistan relationship has become severely strained lately. A US soldier shot and killed 16 Afghani civilians, mostly women and children, on Sunday, adding more fuel to the...
Wednesday December 21, 2011

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Hello, I’m Kim Chi - welcome to the Letter Box on VOV Radio. Hi, everyone. I’m Nhat Quynh. We’re here every Wednesday to acknowledge listeners’ letters we got...