Vietnam contributes to ASEAN’s future

Vietnam contributes to ASEAN’s future

(VOVWORLD) - ASEAN Future Forum, initiated by Vietnam, opens in Hanoi on Tuesday. With the theme “Toward fast and sustainable growth of a people-centered ASEAN Community”, the forum seeks...
Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The book “Rice talks: Food and Community in a Vietnamese Town” by Israeli anthropologist Nir Avieli takes you on a fascinating journey to explore Hoi An’s cuisine, revealing how cuisine shapes social bonds, cultural...
Turkey arrests dozens of IS suspects

Turkey arrests dozens of IS suspects

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish security forces have arrested 36 people in four provinces suspected of being related to the self-proclaimed IS terrorist organization
National Humanitarian Month 2024 launched

National Humanitarian Month 2024 launched

(VOVWORLD) - The National Humanitarian Month for 2024 was launched at a ceremony Monday in Dien Bien province, attended by Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and Felix Casanova Cambronero, Deputy...
Dien Bien Phu victory celebrated in France

Dien Bien Phu victory celebrated in France

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Embassy in France organized a ceremony in Paris on Saturday to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, inviting scholars, researchers, Vietnamese people, and...