Russia suspends flights of all TU-154 planes

Russia suspends flights of all TU-154 planes

(VOVworld) – Russia’s Interfax News Agency on Tuesday reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense has suspended flights of all TU-154 planes until the cause of the crash in...
Russia, France cooperate in Nagorny Karabakh

Russia, France cooperate in Nagorny Karabakh

(VOVworld) – Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande on Thursday discussed by phone the settlement of conflicts in Nagorny-Karabakh. They agreed to continue cooperating in the OSCE...
Russia-EU: Opportunity to come closer

Russia-EU: Opportunity to come closer

(VOVworld)- The 20th International Economic Forum (SPIEF) with the theme “Capitalising on the New Global Economic Reality” took place in Saint Petersburg over the last three days
Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

(VOVworld) – On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will attend the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16 at the invitation of...