Foyer Vietnam opens in Paris

Foyer Vietnam opens in Paris

(VOVworld) – Foyer Vietnam, a famous restaurant also known as “Vietnamese house” by many international friends, reopened in Paris on Wednesday after its year-long suspension for repair and refurbishment. Nguyen Binh,...
Tet celebration in Ho Chi Minh City

Tet celebration in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld) – Together with people around the country, residents of Ho Chi Minh City are joyfully welcoming a new year, the year of the snake 2013
12 zodiac animals

12 zodiac animals

(VOVworld) - 12 zodiac animals symbolize the changes of the heaven and earth and bring calmness to people’s minds whenever spring comes. The 12 zodiac pictures reflect good wishes, good luck, hope, and...
Families worship Kitchen Gods

Families worship Kitchen Gods

(VOVworld) - The 23rd day of the last month of every lunar year is when the Kitchen Gods or Kitchen Kings go back to Heaven to report to the Jade Emperor what happened...
January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

As usual many of the letters and emails sent to us are questions about Vietnam. This week, Ratan Kumar Paul, a teacher and coordinator of the South Asia CRI DXER forum in...
NA debates Constitution amendments

NA debates Constitution amendments

(VOVworld) – NA deputies continued to discuss amendments to the 1992 Constitution and a draft resolution on holding a referendum on constitution amendments

Truong Bon legendary and tribute art exchange opens

(VOVworld)-National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on Saturday attended a ceremony to start the upgrade and expansion of the National Highway 15A and the construction of Truong Bon temple, showroom and memorial site...
Historic house of Paris agreement

Historic house of Paris agreement

(VOV/VOVworld)- The City hall of Verrieres-le Buisson on the outskirts of Paris has organized a ceremony to mark the memorial house where a delegation of the provisional Vietnamese...
Bamboo in Vietnamese people’s life

Bamboo in Vietnamese people’s life

(VOVworld)- The bamboo tree has long been associated closely with Vietnamese people’s life. During the war, Vietnamese people sharpened bamboo trees to make weapons to fight against foreign invaders
Vietnam marks ASEAN 45th anniversary

Vietnam marks ASEAN 45th anniversary

(VOVworld) – Various activities have been held in Vietnam to mark the 45th anniversary of ASEAN being founded. When addressing a meeting in Hanoi on Wednesday, Le Cong Phung, President of the Vietnam...
Vietnam holds ASEAN flag-hoisting ceremony

Vietnam holds ASEAN flag-hoisting ceremony

(VOVworld) –Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs hoisted the ASEAN and Vietnamese flags today at a ceremony to mark the 45th anniversary of ASEAN and Vietnam’s 17th year of...
ASEAN toward a united and prosperous community

ASEAN toward a united and prosperous community

(VOVworld) - The ASEAN flag and the flags of its member countries have been hoisted in their capital cities and by ASEAN representatives around the world to celebrate the bloc’s 45th...