Vietnamese, Lao localities enhance cooperation

Vietnamese, Lao localities enhance cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam-Lao traditional friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation is a rare relationship in the world and an important factor for the two countries’ development. Bilateral cooperation at...
Wednesday January 10, 2018

Wednesday January 10, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -Many of our listeners said they started their Dx’ing hobby this year and sending reports to VOV. That makes us very happy and proud
World welcomes 2018

World welcomes 2018

(VOVWORLD) - The world rang in 2018 with spectacular celebrations. The Pacific islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Kiribati were the first to welcome the New Year, followed by New Zealand. Thousands of locals...
IMF chief warns of “dark world future”

IMF chief warns of “dark world future”

(VOVWORLD) - The world faces a "dark future" in 50 years if it fails to tackle climate change and inequality, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde told an economic conference in Saudi...
Vietnamese leaders affirm stronger ties with Laos

Vietnamese leaders affirm stronger ties with Laos

(VOVWORLD) - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong applauded cooperation between the Vietnamese and Lao Governments at a reception for Lao Deputy Prime Minister Sonexay...
Economic growth to be maintained in 2018

Economic growth to be maintained in 2018

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Monday presented a report on the implementation of this year’s socio-economic tasks and next year’s plan. At the year-end National Assembly session...
#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever found yourself stuck in long lasting prejudices of society that exist in your own family, such as the notions that women must love men, a free-lance job is not a real job, every woman must get married...
Tackling difficulties to promote the private sector

Tackling difficulties to promote the private sector

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc held a policy dialogue with 14 chairmen and general directors of leading private enterprises in Hanoi on Saturday to seek ways to address difficulties facing the...
Vietnam, US forge closer ties

Vietnam, US forge closer ties

(VOVWORLD) -A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam led by Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan has paid a working visit...
 Pyongyang protests new UN sanctions

Pyongyang protests new UN sanctions

(VOVWORLD) - North Korea hit back against the latest sanctions adopted by the UN and threatened to take strategic measures by fully mobilizing its national power
Bulgaria unveils 'high level' corruption court

Bulgaria unveils 'high level' corruption court

(VOVWORLD) - Bulgaria on Friday announced the creation of a special court to tackle high-level corruption, despite objections from campaigners who fear it could end up being used to settle...