Nuclear issues unresolved on Korean peninsula

Nuclear issues unresolved on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – Pyongyang conducted its 5th and most powerful nuclear test on September 9, despite world-wide protests and UN sanctions. The latest move has heightened regional tensions and showed that...
Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

(VOVworld) – North Korea recently continued testing its submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which fell inside Japan’s Air Defense Identification Zone over the Sea of Japan. This was Pyongyang’s third missile launch since...
RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

(VOVworld) – The Republic of Korea and the US have decided to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in the southern region of Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, 296...
Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has successfully attracted and effectively used official development assistance (ODA) capital resources. From a poor country, Vietnam has become a middle-income country. But the achievement also presents...
Vietnam to consider visa exemption roadmap

Vietnam to consider visa exemption roadmap

(VOVworld) – Minister and Head of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung said Vietnam will consider a roadmap to exempt visa for ordinary people and businesspeople. Speaking at a government cabinet meeting on...
China asks RoK to handle US’ THAAD seriously

China asks RoK to handle US’ THAAD seriously

(VOVworld) – On Monday a Chinese nuclear special envoy asked the Republic of Korea to address the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence System (THAAD), an advanced US missile defense...