09 January 2013

09 January 2013

This week, we received lots of letters and emails from listeners around the world with many questions about Vietnam. Thank you for the love you send to us. First, we’d...
Điểu Lộc – a Mo Nong billionaire in Dac Nong

Điểu Lộc – a Mo Nong billionaire in Dac Nong

(VOVworld) - An increasing number of ethnic minority people in the Central Highlands are becoming better off since they started applying scientific production techniques. Dieu Loc of Dac Rtich commune, Tuy Duc...
Busy tours of northwest

Busy tours of northwest

(VOVworld)-During this time of the year, a tour of the northwestern region is always the first choice of travelers, especially younger ones. Visiting the region now, you will be...
Busy New Year tours

Busy New Year tours

(VOVworld)- With the New Year is approaching, travel companies have been introducing several new holiday tours. Today Vietnam Discovery will explore several of these tours
Golden fields of grain

Golden fields of grain

(VOV) - Traveling 80km from Lao Cai city near the northern border in late September, you will have the chance to see the stunning terraced fields turning yellow in Y Ty commune of Bat Xat district....
Terraced fields

Terraced fields

(VOV) - Green terraced fields at the foot of the mountain seemingly keep off the intense heat of the sun in summer. Photos taken by Pham Bang on the way from...
Safe water – a goal of new rural development

Safe water – a goal of new rural development

(VOVworld) - Tap water is taken for granted by city dwellers, but in rural areas most people still use either well or rain water. People in Song Phuong commune, a farming village on the...
Northwestern cultures highlighted in Hanoi

Northwestern cultures highlighted in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - Hanoi residents were treated to colorful performances and exhibitions last week featuring the cultures of northwestern Vietnam. Entitled "The Colors of the Northwestern Region", the show included a wide range of activities such as cultural and...
Images tell stories of Dao people

Images tell stories of Dao people

(VOVworld)-Stories about the daily lives and unique culture of the Dao ethnic group of Nậm Búng commune in the northern province of Yen Bai are being recorded through thousands of images as part...
March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

For the first time in many years, we’ve heard from a listener in the United Arab Emirates. In a 5-page email dated March 15, Dr. Avinash Cheekoth wrote
March 7th, 2012

March 7th, 2012

I’d like to begin this week’s Letter Box with opinions from some of our regular listeners about old-fashioned shortwave listening versus new media technology