Kindhearted man gives free rice to the poor

Kindhearted man gives free rice to the poor

(VOVWORLD) - Posting on Facebook, “I live in Hoang Mai district. I want to give rice to people in need during the COVID time. Please come to lane 93 Giap Nhi, Thinh Liet...
HCM city gradually ​restores new normal

HCM city gradually ​restores new normal

(VOVWORLD) - After months of a stringent lockdown to fight COVID-19, HCM city, Vietnam’s epicenter, has begun to resume economic activities under 'new normal' conditions. VOV’s correspondent in...
Hanoi Culinary and Tourism Festival 2021

Hanoi Culinary and Tourism Festival 2021

(VOVWORLD) - The Hanoi Tourism and Culinary Festival 2021 will open in Hanoi this weekend as part of the city’s efforts to stimulate domestic tourism under the government program called...