VOV wins ABU awards

VOV wins ABU awards

(VOVWORLD) - ABU awards are the most prestigious awards in the Asia-Pacific region honoring the best work in radio, television, and new media. VOV wins multiple ABU awards every year
Daisies brighten up Hanoi’s streets

Daisies brighten up Hanoi’s streets

(VOVWORLD) - Tiny daisies stacked on flower vendors’ bicycles and bikes have added charm to Hanoi’s ambiance during the transition from autumn to winter
Floods wreak havoc in central region

Floods wreak havoc in central region

(VOVWORLD) - A local resident was killed by floods in Quang Ngai province on Sunday evening and local authorities are still searching for three fishermen whose basket boat sank in the Tra...
Northern Vietnam cope with storm and flood

Northern Vietnam cope with storm and flood

(VOVWORLD) - Localities from the central coastal province of Ha Tinh province northward have to prepare scenarios to protect people’s safety against Lionrock storm and COVID-19, said a senior...
​Ha Giang promotes ethnic traditional culture

​Ha Giang promotes ethnic traditional culture

(VOVWORLD) - The northern mountainous province of Ha Giang is home to 19 ethnic groups, including the Mong, Tay, and Dao. Each group has their owntraditions and customs, which adds to the...
Special volunteers on the COVID-19 frontlines

Special volunteers on the COVID-19 frontlines

(VOVWORLD) - People who have recovered from the coronavirus in Ho Chi Minh City have registered to become volunteers. After recovering, they have antibodies against the virus and empathize with the physical and mental...