PM meets with outstanding SOEs

PM meets with outstanding SOEs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has asked State-owned enterprises (SOEs) to engage more in three strategic breakthroughs concerning fine-tuning mechanisms, human resource training, and infrastructure development
Cam Lam urban area planning unveiled

Cam Lam urban area planning unveiled

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on Saturday attended a ceremony to announce the planning of Cam Lam new urban area in Khanh Hoa province
Fish porridge, a delightful dish for Tet

Fish porridge, a delightful dish for Tet

(VOVWORLD) -When Lunar New Year (Tet) arrives, family members reunite and enjoy traditional dishes together. It becomes even more interesting when the Tet tray features unique dishes
Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

(VOVWORLD) -Hopes for a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Hamas faded last week after diplomatic efforts deadlocked. Fears of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza intensified when the Israeli army announced...