Peace worshipping ceremony of the Bana

Peace worshipping ceremony of the Bana

(VOVworld) – A peace worshipping ceremony is one of the oldest rituals of the Bana people, who pray for good health, prosperity, no war, no disease, and no disasters in the...
Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

(VOVworld) – Clashes broke out Tuesday outside the Ukrainian Parliament office as deputies inside repeatedly voted down proposals to recognise certain members of the nationalist Svoboda Party as national heroes
US considers air strikes on Iraq

US considers air strikes on Iraq

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that Washington is considering air strikes and a possible cooperation with Iran to help the Iraqi government repulse Sunni insurgents
US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

(VOVworld)- US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that he will travel to Pakistan on Monday for talks on bilateral relations and regional security issues including Afghanistan
Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

Pakistan: protestors block NATO supply route

(VOVworld) – Thousands of people blocked a NATO supply route in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in northwest Pakistan on Saturday to protest unmanned US air strikes. This is the main supply...