Japanese Diet adopts CPTPP

Japanese Diet adopts CPTPP

(VOVWORLD) - The Japanese Diet approved on Friday bills to ratify the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Seminar on ASEAN held in Mexico

Seminar on ASEAN held in Mexico

(VOVWORLD) - A seminar on ASEAN took place in Mexico on Friday as part of the workshop on Vision and Prospects of Mexico’s Foreign Policy
US exempts EU, 6 other countries from steel tariffs

US exempts EU, 6 other countries from steel tariffs

(VOVWORLD) - US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said Thursday that the EU, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea will temporarily be exempt from President Donald Trump's steel and...
CPTPP’s positive impacts on farmers, fishermen

CPTPP’s positive impacts on farmers, fishermen

(VOVWORLD) - The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement of Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was signed last week in Santiago de Chile without the US, is considered the world’s biggest free trade...
CPTPP to be signed on March 8

CPTPP to be signed on March 8

(VOVWORLD) - The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) will be officially signed in Chile on Thursday, by ministers from the 11 member countries