Private sector encouraged to invest in energy

Private sector encouraged to invest in energy

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is encouraging the private sector to invest in energy considering private investment an important economic spearhead. A recent seminar on Vietnam Technology and Energy 2020 held by the...
From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

(VOVWORLD) - As COVID-19 keeps on devastating all countries around the globe, its impact can be felt in all economic sectors including education. Peter Mason, CEO of Cufa, an independent, secular, not-for-profit...
Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2020 launched

Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2020 launched

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam Renewable Energy Week 2020 was launched in Hanoi on Tuesday. This fifth holding, “Breakthrough to Recovery and Green Development for a Peaceful Life”, aims to put forward measures promoting sustainable energy...
English Bowler Hat

English Bowler Hat

(VOVWORLD) - A bowler hat is a must-have accessory for vintage fashionistas. The image of comedian Charles Chaplin in a vintage suit, a baton in hand, and a bowler hat, has been considered...
Craft villages conserve energy

Craft villages conserve energy

(VOVWORLD) - Using renewable energy and conserving energy have become a growing trend in craft villages because of the obvious benefits. But they need more support from state agencies in the...
Farming on offshore platforms

Farming on offshore platforms

(VOVWORLD) - Despite strong winds, scorching sun and salt water, vegetable gardens grown by soldiers on the DK 1 offshore platforms on Vietnam’s southern continental shelf still thrive
Mainlanders pay Tet visit to soldiers on DK1 Platform

Mainlanders pay Tet visit to soldiers on DK1 Platform

(VOVWORLD) - Paying visits and giving gifts to officers and soldiers on duty at the DK1 Platform are annual activities when Tet, the Lunar New Year arrives. They show the care of the Vietnamese Party, State, Army, and people for the guards...
India’s classical dance Kuchipudi

India’s classical dance Kuchipudi

(VOVWORLD) - Kuchipudi is an Indian classical dance form counted among the ten leading classical dance forms of India. A dance-drama performance art that originated in a village in the Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, India...