Vietnamese enterprises invest in franchising

Vietnamese enterprises invest in franchising

(VOVworld) – In recent years, Vietnam has emerged as a franchise market. Rapid economic growth and increases in personal income, population, and consumer spending have made Vietnam attractive to franchises....
VFF wraps up its 8th National Congress

VFF wraps up its 8th National Congress

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Fatherland Front wrapped up its 8th National Congress in Hanoi on Saturday. At the closing session, the Congress announced the list of the Central Committee, the Presidium,...
NA wraps up 7th plenary session

NA wraps up 7th plenary session

(VOVworld) – The seventh session of the 13th National Assembly concluded on Tuesday. In his address, Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the legislature reviewed last year’s socio-economic developments and...
National Assembly wraps up its Q and A session

National Assembly wraps up its Q and A session

(VOVworld) - Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc answered National Assembly deputies’ questions on socio economic development, East Sea issues and supportive policies for fishermen on Thursday
US Senator wraps up Vietnam visit

US Senator wraps up Vietnam visit

(VOVworld) - President Pro Tempore of the US Senate Patrick Leahy left Da Nang on Sunday, concluding his visit to Vietnam at the invitation of National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung
Mong people in Na Tau hamlet make banh day

Mong people in Na Tau hamlet make banh day

(VOVworld) – The Mong people consider banh day, a kind of sticky rice cake, to be a symbol of the sun and the moon, which are the origin and vitality of humans and every thing on...
President Truong Tan Sang wraps up Japan visit

President Truong Tan Sang wraps up Japan visit

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang left Tokyo for Osaka on Wednesday as part of his ongoing state visit to Japan. He held separate talks with leaders of the city and Japan-Vietnam Friendship Associations of...