Top Chinese leader calls for joint efforts

Top Chinese leader calls for joint efforts

(VOVworld) – In an article published in ‘Nhan Dan’ newspaper on Thursday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping called on Vietnam and China to jointly open a bright future for the bilateral ties
Chinese President to visit Vietnam

Chinese President to visit Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Vietnam next week at the invitation of Vietnam’s Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and State President Truong Tan Sang
China’s PM meets with Britain’s PM

China’s PM meets with Britain’s PM

(VOVworld) – Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron hailed an agreement reached by China and Britain on the construction of a new nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset with...
China pledges fair deals for US investors

China pledges fair deals for US investors

(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jining pledged to America’s top business executives on Wednesday that Beijing would treat them fairly, remove barriers imposed on foreign investors, and increase intellectual property...
China to boost mutual trust with the US

China to boost mutual trust with the US

(VOVworld) - China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi says President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit to the US will hammer home his view that peace will bring mutual benefit, while conflict...
Chinese vessels sailing off Alaska

Chinese vessels sailing off Alaska

(VOVworld) - Three Chinese war ships, a resupply vessel, and a landing craft are sailing in international waters off Alaska, Pentagon officials said on Wednesday