Businesses urged to contribute more to national development

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises co‑organized a national conference of Vietnamese business associations and businessmen in Hanoi on Wednesday to celebrate Vietnam Entrepreneurs’ Day.
Businesses urged to contribute more to national development  - ảnh 1VCCI President Pham Tan Cong addresses the conference. (photo: VOV)

VCCI President Pham Tan Cong said that the private economic sector, state-owned enterprises, foreign investment enterprises, and cooperatives have generated a powerful force to boost Vietnam’s economic development.

Vietnam’s GDP is in the world’s top 40 and international trade is in the top 20. Many Vietnamese products have reached out to the global market.

Mr. Cong said: “Enterprises are the main driving force in economic development, and entrepreneurs are the core leadership force. There are about 2 to 3 million business leaders and if we count all businesspeople and household business owners, there would be 10 million businesspeople nationwide. This is a special human resource, playing an important role in national industrialization and modernization and building an independent, self-reliant, and integrated economy in the new era.”

At the conference, delegates discussed how to build strong business associations, enhance links between associations and businesses, and promote Vietnamese business culture, and sustainable business development.

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