Fine-tuning Vietnam’s legal system towards 2020

(VOVworld) - The Party Central Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission has held a workshop to review the implementation of the Politbureau resolution No 48 on national development towards socialism and the 2013 Constitution.

Fine-tuning Vietnam’s legal system towards 2020 - ảnh 1
Deputy Chief of the Internal Affairs Commission, Nguyen Doan Khanh addressed a similar meeting in May, 2015

During the event in Hanoi on Thursday, delegates praised major achievements in the legal system following 10 years implementing the resolution to promote national reform and international integration.
Deputy Chief of the Internal Affairs Commission, Nguyen Doan Khanh: “Law enforcement has been promoted to raise public and organizational awareness about the law and compliance. Monitoring of administrative procedures and supervision of law enforcement have been carried out regularly to find and correct shortcomings in legal documents.”
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