Improving public health prioritized in Vietnam’s development policy

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Party and State always place people at the centre of development, while improving people’s health is one of the top priorities of Vietnam’s development policy, said President Vo Van Thuong.
Improving public health prioritized in Vietnam’s development policy - ảnh 1President Vo Van Thuong addresses the program honouring doctors and health workers. (photo: Thong Nhat/ VNA)

Mr. Thuong made the remarks at a program held in Hanoi on Monday to honour health workers and present awards of the sixth writing contest entitled “Silent Sacrifice” to mark the 69th anniversary of the Vietnamese Doctors’ Day (February 27, 1955 - 2024).

President Vo Van Thuong said that over the past 69 years, generations of officials, doctors, and medical staff have always strived for the noble mission of curing and saving patients, while contributing to improving the stature and health of Vietnamese people.

“I expect that every doctor will continue to promote the results that have been achieved, make unremitting efforts, continue to overcome challenges and limitations in diagnosing and treating diseases, improve their profession, master modern science and technology, and train the next generation for the health sector," said Mr. Thuong. 
He added that with medical ethics, intelligence, talent and great aspirations, the Vietnamese medical force can set new visions and higher goals, strive to put the Vietnamese health sector in the top group of regional countries, and reach out to the world, and contribute to solving global health problems.
The organizing board gave awards to 15 entries in the final round of the sixth “Silent Sacrifice” writing contest on the health sector.
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