G7 approves anti-terrorism joint statement

G7 approves anti-terrorism joint statement

(VOVWORLD) - The leaders of the G7 have approved a joint statement on the fight against terrorism and violent extremism on Friday, the first day of their meeting in Italy
Syria peace talks to resume in June

Syria peace talks to resume in June

(VOVWORLD) - Negotiations are set to resume in June despite little progress in the latest round of Syrian peace talks, the UN envoy for Syria told the Security Council on Monday
US, Russia discuss Syrian issue

US, Russia discuss Syrian issue

(VOVWORLD) - The Syrian crisis is the main topic of a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington on Wednesday, according...
Geneva talks to reconvene next week

Geneva talks to reconvene next week

(VOVWORLD) - The next round of intra-Syrian talks in Geneva will be held next Tuesday, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Monday
E-learning program in Jordan for Syrian refugees

E-learning program in Jordan for Syrian refugees

(VOVWORLD) - The International Labor Organisation (ILO) on Tuesday launched an e-learning program for Syrian refugees in Jordan that explains their rights and responsibilities under Jordan's labor laws
Iraq retakes areas in southern Mosul

Iraq retakes areas in southern Mosul

(VOVworld) – The semi-armed forces of Hashd Shaabi have liberated 5 villages from the Islamic State group amid conflicts in western Mosul, Iraqi army reported on Sunday
Russia plans meeting with US, UN on Syria

Russia plans meeting with US, UN on Syria

(VOVworld) - Diplomats from Russia, the United States, and the United Nations plan to discuss the Syrian crisis in Geneva next week, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov Monday