2,556th birthday of Lord Buddha is celebrated

(VOVworld) - The 2,556 th birthday of Lord Buddha was celebrated today/ on Thursday by Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Hanoi.

2,556th birthday of Lord Buddha is celebrated - ảnh 1

During the celebrations, a message from the head of the VBS was read out expressing his best wishes to Buddhist dignitaries, monks, nuns and followers. On the occasion, Huynh Dam, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Fronts Central Committee visited the Head of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, the Most Venerable Thich Pho Tue. Mr. Dam stressed that since its establishment, the VBS has always made a great contribution to patriotic movements. He also said that as a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, he believes that the VBS will continue to boost national unity in the future.

