6th National Media Awards presented

6th National Media Awards presented - ảnh 1
First prize winners of 6th National Media Awards
(VOVworld) - National Assembly (NA) Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has called on the media to operate in a more professional and modern manner, especially in the country’s renewal process and international integration. Chairman Hung made the statement at an award ceremony for the 2011 national prizes by the Vietnam Journalists Association in Hanoi yesterday. He said that over the past 87 years under the leadership of the Party, Government, and people’s support, the Vietnamese revolutionary press has become a sharp ideological weapon contributing to the country’s revolutionary struggle and the renewal process. Hung urged journalists and reporters to continue to identity and feature outstanding examples and criticize aberrations in society ‘Our 17,000 journalists and reporters should sharpen skills and professionalism to contribute to the country’s socio-economic development. During Vietnam’s renewal and integration process, journalists should become a more professional and modern force’.

Of the 153 works in the final round, there were 21st prizes, 23 2nd prizes, and 39 honour prizes.  The two highest honours went to journalists from Radio the Voice of Vietnam for their series on Vietnam’s sovereignty over Truong Sa (Spratly) and Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelagos and a program from Vietnam Television about the stories behind the construction and maintenance of the late President Ho Chi Minh’s statue in Moscow.

