Danish Prime Minister begins official visit to Vietnam

(VOVworld) - PM Nguyen Tan Dung hosted an official ceremony in Hanoi on Thursday to welcome visiting Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt.

Danish Prime Minister begins official visit to Vietnam - ảnh 1

During their talks after the welcoming ceremony, both Prime Ministers agreed to prioritize the strategic partnership in climate change, the environment, energy, and green growth. The two leaders highlighted the need to boost cooperation in economics, trade and double the current trade turnover to 1 billion USD while encouraging Danish businesses to invest in Vietnam. Prime Minister Dung called for Denmark to continue supporting Vietnam so the Southeast Asian nation can ensure a comprehensive relationship with the EU. He stated that Vietnam, as the coordinator of ASEAN – EU, will help strengthen ties with the bloc including Denmark. Meanwhile, Ms. Schmidt reiterated Denmark’s support for resolving the disputes in the East Sea by peaceful means, in line with international law. The Scandinavian country will try to boost Vietnam – EU relations, now that both parties have signed a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and begun negotiating the setting up of a free trade agreement.   

Following their talks, both leaders witnessed the signing of several cooperative agreements between the two countries.

At a reception for the Danish PM, President Truong Tan Sang said that Denmark’s ODA capital has been put to very good use while bilateral economic and trade ties have seen a lot of progress. In return, Ms. Schmidt said Denmark will step up its cooperation with Vietnam in fields it is strong in including energy, adjusting to climate change, and poverty reduction. She added that she hopes both countries will sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement next year, when Denmark will back Vietnam to sign a trade agreement with the EU which will benefit all parties concerned.

