Iran, P5+1 reach framework nuclear deal

(VOVworld) - Iran and the P5+1 have reached a framework agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program following 8 days of talks in Lausanne, Switzerland. Both sides agreed on parameters for resolving major issues, paving the way for a final deal by June 30.  Negotiators agreed not to reveal the outlines of the consensus as differences remained over the best way to publicly announce them.

Iran, P5+1 reach framework nuclear deal - ảnh 1
A nuclear framework agreement was reached after eight days of negotiations between six world powers and Iran in the Swiss town of Lausanne. (Photo: CBS News)

The framework nuclear deal has received positive feedback from the international community. US President Barack Obama hailed the historic deal on Thursday, calling it a victory of diplomacy. Obama had phone talks with French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and British PM David Cameron about the content of the framework deal and discussed future steps to prevent Iran from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon. Russia welcomed the framework deal, hailing the announcement as recognition of Tehran's "unconditional right" to pursue a civilian nuclear program. The draft deal was also hailed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who said he believed it would contribute to peace and stability in the Middle East. The International Atomic Energy Agency's Director General, Yukiya Amano welcomed the framework deal, saying his agency will be ready to fulfill its role in verifying the implementation of nuclear related measures, once the agreement is finalized.

Oil prices fell by more than 4% on Thursday, as the framework agreement raised concerns about the colossal buildup of supply.

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