Overseas Vietnamese visit Dam Thuy border guard post in Cao Bang province

(VOVworld) – A delegation of Overseas Vietnamese on Tuesday visited Dam Thuy border guard post in Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province.

Overseas Vietnamese visit Dam Thuy border guard post in Cao Bang province - ảnh 1
Dam Thuy border guard post                      Source: VOV

This is the first activity to kick off the delegation’s program to return for the Hung Kings’ death anniversary in 2013. Colonel Dich Xuan Thuy, Deputy Commander in Chief of Cao Bang province’s border soldiers said: "In the first phase of the implementation of the France-China Convention on border management in 1887 to 1895, the legal documents were unclear. In 1999, the Convention was completed following a lot of hardship. Demarcation planting began in 2001. The marker 836(2) was the final phase completed in January, 2009. After that, border guards took the task of defending the area. Besides, the border guard soldiers of Vietnam and China also have bilateral patrols in the border area".

The delegation also visited Ban Gioc waterfall, the most beautiful one in Vietnam. The middle of the waterfall marks the border between Vietnam and Chine. Nguyen Nhu Dung, an Overseas Vietnamese in Angola said: "This is the first time I have seen this waterfall with my own eyes. It is very beautiful and clearly divides Vietnam and China. The deep river marks the common territory of the two sides. I hope that later generations will continue to defend our national borders".

