Singer Ha Anh Tuan named ambassador for wildlife protection

(VOVWORLD) - Singer Ha Anh Tuan has become the ambassador for The Voiceless Forest, a campaign that aims to end the illegal use of wildlife in Vietnam and contribute to the protection of ecosystems. 
Singer Ha Anh Tuan named ambassador for wildlife protection - ảnh 1Singer Ha Anh Tuan (left) becomes ambassador for wildlife protection (Photo:

The Voiceless Forest campaign initiated by Save Vietnam’s Wildlife calls on individuals to refuse to use products made from wildlife, speak out against wildlife consumption, boycott restaurants and shops that deal in wildlife and report violations.

Vietnam ranks 16th in the world for biodiversity, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), boasting an incredibly rich ecosystem with diverse flora and fauna, including many endemic species found only in Vietnam.

But illegal hunting and wildlife trade, along with habitat loss, have led to a drastic decline in many species, pushing some to the brink of extinction.

