US Legislation on Asia-Pacific Maritime Disputes introduced

US Representatives Randy Forbes and Colleen Hanabusa
(VOVworld) – US Representative J. Randy Forbes, Chairman of the Sea power and Projection Forces Subcommittee, and Representative Colleen Hanabusa, a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, on Friday introduced a bipartisan resolution reaffirming US support for freedom of navigation in the Asia-Pacific region.
This resolution reiterates the US government’s strong support for navigation freedom, the legitimate use of seas and skies in Asia Pacific, as well as diplomatic and peaceful solutions to sovereignty claims, and marine and territorial disputes. It clearly states that the Asia Pacific seas and skies are of great importance to regional stability, security, and prosperity, as well as global trade activities. This resolution affirms the fundamental US national interest in freedom of navigation and the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes, and its opposition to the acts of coercion or threats to use force.
Addressing the US House of Representatives also that day, Rep. Forbes stressed China’s recent behavior has reinforced an important truth that the United States must remain actively engaged in the Asia-Pacific to ensure the continuance of the peace and prosperity that have defined that region for the last six decades.