Vietnam calls for more US’s investment in semiconductor industry

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai welcomed the US’s Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) selection of Vietnam as one of the destinations to survey in its fact-finding tour of Southeast Asia.
Vietnam calls for more US’s investment in semiconductor industry - ảnh 1Deputy PM Le Minh Khai (L) receives SIA President and CEO John Neuffer in Hanoi on January 12, 2023. (Photo: An Dang/VNA)

At Thursday’s reception in Hanoi for the visiting SIA delegation, Khai said he considers the selection a starting point for cooperation between SIA and the Vietnamese Government, thereby promoting the possibility of Vietnam’s engagement in global semiconductor supply chains.

He called on the SIA to encourage its member enterprises to increase investment in Vietnam.

SIA President and CEO John Neuffer said the US’s semiconductor industry is working to re-balance the global semiconductor production chain.

As other countries are advancing fast and semiconductor businesses of the US are seeking investment opportunities, Neuffer said he hopes to cooperate with the Vietnamese Government and help the Southeast Asia with this important opportunity.

He said he believes Vietnam  will play an increasingly important role in the US’s global semiconductor chain in the coming time.

