Vietnam Farmers’ Union opens 6th Congress

(VOVworld) – The 6th Congress of the Vietnam Farmers’ Union opened in Hanoi on Monday. Attending the event were Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, and Fatherland Front, and 1,200 delegates representing 10 million members of the Vietnam Farmers’ Union nationwide.

Vietnam Farmers’ Union opens 6th Congress  - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the opening of the 6th Congress of the Vietnam Farmers' Association Jul 1.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong acknowledged the Union's progress and positive contributions to national renewal, socio-economic development, and defense. The Association has promoted its central role in farmers’ movements of production, Party building, great national unity, poverty reduction, building new rural areas, providing consultancy to Party and State policies, generating jobs, and raising farmers’ incomes. Mr. Trong said: "Various emulation movements have been launched which match the interests and needs of farmers, create positive changes in the Union's organization, increase the number of members, and improve the quality of its staff. The Party and State have given many titles and honorary awards to acknowledge farmers’ achievements and confirm that Vietnamese farmers are a strong workforce and a staunch political force which provides a core in preserving national identities."

Mr. Trong said in the 2013-2018 tenure, the Vietnam Farmers’ Union should continue to strengthen its organization, successfully fulfill the national program on building new rural areas, develop the rural socio-economy, and contribute to national development. "In building great national unity, strengthening the farmer class and the alliance of workers, farmers, and intellectuals under the leadership of the Party is an important task. A major feature of the alliance of workers, farmers, intellectuals is economic cooperation, which is the basis for political alliance. The exchange of goods between the industrial and agricultural sectors and rural and urban areas is an economic cooperation form that encourages farmers to engage in production, connects markets and labor, and increases scientific and technological applications for higher productivity, quality, and efficiency. The Farmers’ Union should instruct farmers how to better produce, process, and sell products. The Unionshould have resolute determination and effective measures to help farmers achieve bumper crops and lucrative contracts." Trong said.

At the opening session, the Congress listened to reports on activities in the previous tenure and orientations for the 6th tenure, revising the Union's charter. The Congress will meet for 3 days.

