Vietnam welcomes Swedish investors

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government will create the best conditions for foreign businesses including those from Sweden to invest and operate in Vietnam for both countries’ benefit. Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai at a reception for Swedish State Secretary and Minister of Trade Gunnar Oom in Hanoi on Wednesday acknowledged Sweden’s recent activities to boost bilateral relations. More frequent high-level visits and encouragement for businesses to invest in Vietnam made two-way trade grow 20% annually over the past six years.
Vietnam welcomes Swedish investors - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai talks with Swedish State Secretary and Minister of Trade Gunnar Oom. (Photo:
Hai proposed that the two countries work together to celebrate the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties next year, creating a possible breakthrough in bilateral relations. At the meeting, the Vietnamese leader said Vietnam always bears in mind the enormous assistance of the Swedish government and people during Vietnam’s struggle for independence in the past and its current national construction efforts.

