Central Theoretical Council convenes 6th session

Central Theoretical Council convenes 6th session

(VOVworld) - The Central Theoretical Council for the 2011-2015 term has convened its 6th session to discuss political system reforms, party leadership enhancement in mass mobilization, climate change adaptation and...
Central Theoretical Council convenes 6th session

Central Theoretical Council convenes 6th session

(VOVworld) - The Central Theoretical Council for the 2011-2015 term has convened its 6th session to discuss political system reforms, party leadership enhancement in mass mobilization, climate change adaptation, and...
Constitutional revision committee convenes its 6th session

Constitutional revision committee convenes its 6th session

(VOVworld)-Deputy National Assembly Chairman Uong Chu Luu has chaired the 6th session of the 1992 constitutional amendment draft committee in Hanoi. Delegates discussed alternatives to the amendment and finetune the revision. They will review the...
6th session of NA Law Committee concludes

6th session of NA Law Committee concludes

(VOV/VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s Law Committee concluded in HCM City on Saturday after discussing a resolution on procedures of vote of confidence for officials, who are elected...