Finland will host a NATO land command and troops

Finland will host a NATO land command and troops

(VOVWORLD) - Finland will host a new land command unit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) military alliance, Minister of Defense Antti Hakkanen told reporters on Friday following a meeting...
Party chief chairs key leaders’ meeting

Party chief chairs key leaders’ meeting

(VOVWORLD) -Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Wednesday chaired a key leadership meeting to evaluate the situation and work performance in April and May as well as work out...
Nguyen Thi Thanh elected NA Vice Chairwoman

Nguyen Thi Thanh elected NA Vice Chairwoman

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly conducted a secret vote to elect Nguyen Thi Thanh as National Assembly Vice Chairwoman on Thursday. After that, the NA passed a Resolution on electing Nguyen...
Workers’ rights prioritized

Workers’ rights prioritized

(VOVWORLD) - Workers' Month 2024 will conclude on May 31. This annual campaign aims to assist governments, employers, and society in promoting the care and protection of the legal and legitimate rights and...