Environment crying for help prompts youth action

Environment crying for help prompts youth action

(VOVWORLD) - After three months, the “Green Hanoi" environmental project, which started with only three members conducting weekly clean-up drives in Hanoi’s severely polluted rivers, has attracted over 200 volunteers. The project’s founder...
Children's book sales up after pandemic

Children's book sales up after pandemic

(VOVWORLD) -Books for children are an important market segment for publishing houses and printing companies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing sales has risen as parents and teachers promote reading...
Bonding activities in southwestern islands

Bonding activities in southwestern islands

(VOVWORLD) - Soldiers of the Naval Region 5 have communicated legal documents for 1,000 local people in Vietnam's southwestern islands and provided free medical examination and medicine to 250...
USABC bridges government and business community

USABC bridges government and business community

(VOVWORLD) -Minister of Public Security General To Lam on Wednesday suggested that the US-ASEAN Business Council and the US business community continue to act as an important bridge between...
Vietnam- an active member of the Francophonie community

Vietnam- an active member of the Francophonie community

(VOVWORLD) - Today (March 20), more than 1.2 billion French-speaking people worldwide are celebrating the 53rd anniversary of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF). Since Vietnam joined the organization in...