PM attends WEF meeting in China

PM attends WEF meeting in China

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his entourage left Monday for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian city and a working visit to China until Thursday...
Vietnam, US seek to boost IT cooperation

Vietnam, US seek to boost IT cooperation

(VOVWORLD) -The United States Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), as a reputable and influential organization in the US, will act as a key bridge to boost economic, trade, and investment...
Taliban to participate in third Doha meeting

Taliban to participate in third Doha meeting

(VOVWORLD) - Taliban authorities will attend the third round of United Nations talks on Afghanistan later this month in the Qatari capital Doha, a spokesperson for the Taliban said Sunday
Vietnam promotes social progress and justice

Vietnam promotes social progress and justice

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam always prioritizes promoting social progress and equity, considering this as a goal, a task, and also a measure to boost sustainable development, Ambassador Mai Phan Dung told the...
Nguyen Thi Thanh elected NA Vice Chairwoman

Nguyen Thi Thanh elected NA Vice Chairwoman

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly conducted a secret vote to elect Nguyen Thi Thanh as National Assembly Vice Chairwoman on Thursday. After that, the NA passed a Resolution on electing Nguyen...
Vietnam, US boost aviation security cooperation

Vietnam, US boost aviation security cooperation

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen Luong Tam Quang hosted a reception for Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration at the US Department of Homeland Security David...