Boeing withdraws MAX 7 exemption request

Boeing withdraws MAX 7 exemption request

(VOVWORLD) - Boeing confirmed late on Monday it is withdrawing a request it made to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last year seeking an exemption from a safety standard for...
Americans commemorate 9/11 anniversary

Americans commemorate 9/11 anniversary

(VOVWORLD) - Americans paused on Monday to remember the attacks of September 11, 2001, 22 years after Islamist hijackers seized control of jetliners and crashed them into the Pentagon and the...
Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very moved to have received a lot of congratulatory messages for the Vietnamese sports delegation’s victory at the 32nd SEA Games in Cambodia
A tumultuous year in US-China relations

A tumultuous year in US-China relations

(VOVWORLD) - The relationship between the two superpowers, the US and China, was turbulent in 2021. Despite tensions, at times were sharply escalating, the overall relationship is still under control and...
US, China seek common ground

US, China seek common ground

(VOVWORLD) - One of this week’s major international diplomatic events was the two-day visit to China’s north-eastern port city of Tianjin by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy...