Bac Kan holds mid autumn festivals for kids

Bac Kan holds mid autumn festivals for kids

(VOVworld)- Bac Kan provincial Red Cross society and the local center for handicapped children held a mid autumn festival for children this week. The Provincial People’s Committee and Educational...
National Assembly Chairwoman works in Bac Kan

National Assembly Chairwoman works in Bac Kan

(VOVworld) – National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has worked with Bac Kan’s authorities on the socio-economic situation and implementation of the national target program on building new...
Montenegro to sign accession accord with NATO

Montenegro to sign accession accord with NATO

(VOVworld) - NATO will sign an accession agreement with Montenegro, paving the way for the small Balkan country to become the 29th member of the trans-Atlantic alliance, NATO Secretary General...
Austria proposes Germany to adjust migration policy

Austria proposes Germany to adjust migration policy

(VOVworld) – Austria has asked EU countries to suspend the policy of free travel for migrants among Balkan countries and refugee hotspots. Austria’s Prime Minister Werner Faymann asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel...
Macedonia shuts border to illegal migrants

Macedonia shuts border to illegal migrants

(VOVworld) - Macedonia has closed its borders completely to illegal migrants after Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia announced new tight restrictions on migrant entry, a police official said on Wednesday
Balkan countries impose limits on refugee numbers

Balkan countries impose limits on refugee numbers

(VOVworld) - Croatian newspaper Vecernji List reported on Saturday that Croatian Interior Ministry confirmed the country would introduce a quota for migrants and would allow only 580 of them to cross its...