The world condemns bomb blast in Turkey

The world condemns bomb blast in Turkey

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, UN Chief Ban Ki-moon condemned the suicide bomb attack in Istanbul, Turkey, calling it a “despicable crime” and said the perpetrators must face justice
UN talks seek to avert climate disaster

UN talks seek to avert climate disaster

(VOVworld) – Representatives of 190 countries and territories joined talks on Monday to reach a resolution on reining in heat-trapping carbon emissions after 2020
UN calls for an end to HIV/AIDS by 2030

UN calls for an end to HIV/AIDS by 2030

(VOVworld) – To mark World AIDS Day on December 1st, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the international community to join efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by...
UN urges the two Koreas to enhance dialogue

UN urges the two Koreas to enhance dialogue

(VOVworld) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed hope for more dialogue and exchanges between the two Koreas when he met with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Su-yong on...
EU ministers hold new refugee crisis meeting

EU ministers hold new refugee crisis meeting

(VOVworld) - European Union interior ministers held a new emergency meeting on the bloc's migration crisis on Tuesday, after they failed to reach a deal on relocating thousands of refugees...
UN celebrates first International Yoga Day

UN celebrates first International Yoga Day

(VOVworld) - 17,000 people including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, his wife and many other diplomats and UN staff joined a yoga practice at New York’s Time Square...