China, Russia to enhance ties

China, Russia to enhance ties

(VOVWORLD) - China’s President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia will be the key event in relations between Moscow and Beijing in 2023, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a...
Russia to strengthen cooperation with BRICS

Russia to strengthen cooperation with BRICS

(VOVWORLD) - Russia is taking steps to reduce the impact of sanctions and strengthen trade and investment relations with any interested country, giving priority to cooperation to other BRICS countries - China, India,...
BRICS countries promote multilateralism

BRICS countries promote multilateralism

(VOVWORLD) - Current international challenges should be addressed through a reinvigorated and reformed multilateral system, according to an online meeting on Tuesday of the foreign ministers of the five emerging economies...
China, Russia increase cooperative ties

China, Russia increase cooperative ties

(VOVWORLD) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said China and Russia should enhance efforts to establish closer strategic coordination to uphold the basic norms governing international relations, while safeguarding their respective sovereignty and...
Unrest rises in Bolivia

Unrest rises in Bolivia

(VOVWORLD) - La Paz police are asking for help from the Bolivian military, being unable to cope with the situation on the streets. Bolivian Armed Forces Commander Williams Kaliman said that...
Russia, Africa forge closer ties

Russia, Africa forge closer ties

(VOVWORLD) - The first ever Russia-Africa summit will begin on Wednesday in Sochi, Russia. Leaders of African states and regional organizations will attend the summit which is expected to lay...
PM: Vietnam treasures relations with South Africa

PM: Vietnam treasures relations with South Africa

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to developing relations with South Africa during a reception in Hanoi on August 22 for South African Minister...
G20 Summit kicks off in Argentina

G20 Summit kicks off in Argentina

(VOVWORLD) - The annual G20 international summit opened on Friday in Buenos Aires to discuss the most important international economic and financial issues
US-Turkey tensions unabated

US-Turkey tensions unabated

(VOVWORLD) - Relations between the two NATO allies, the US and Turkey, are tense over Turkey’s detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson. Instead of seeking a compromise, Turkey has accelerated cooperation...