Taliban say no al Qaeda or ISIS in Afghanistan

Taliban say no al Qaeda or ISIS in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers said on Tuesday there was no evidence of Islamic State or al Qaeda militants being in the country, days after Islamic State claimed responsibility for...
US asks Europe to take back ISIS members

US asks Europe to take back ISIS members

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that the US demands that the UK, France, Germany, and other European allies take back 800 ISIS fighters captured in...
ISIS to set up stronghold in Central Asia

ISIS to set up stronghold in Central Asia

(VOVWORLD) - The Islamic State (ISIS) is trying to create a stronghold in Central Asia and to activate Islamist sleeper cells in the region, Andrey Novikov, the head of the Commonwealth of Independent States...
Terrorism expands to Asia

Terrorism expands to Asia

(VOVworld) – A number of terror attacks took place during the first month of 2016. Terrorism has expanded to Asia, prompting Asian countries to tighten security and contribute more to the...
Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement be valid in 2018

Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement be valid in 2018

(VOVworld) – The Delegation of the European Union in Vietnam held a press conference on Monday on the outcomes of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s visit to the EU, including the conclusion...
G20 commits to global economic growth

G20 commits to global economic growth

(VOVworld) - G20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs have pledged to act decisively to shore up global growth and to refrain from unsettling currency moves after China's controversial devaluation...
IS leader calls for jihad around the globe

IS leader calls for jihad around the globe

(VOVworld) – Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has called for attacks against Saudi Arabia, saying his self-declared caliphate was expanding there and into four other Arab countries. Baghdadi...