Progress made in political system reshuffle

Progress made in political system reshuffle

(VOVWORLD) - The restructuring and streamlining of the state apparatus is being vigorously implemented from the central to the local level. Many officials from central to grassroots level have requested early retirement. The...
Locating Vietnam in the flow of time

Locating Vietnam in the flow of time

(VOVWORLD) - This year Vietnam will embark on many new journeys to elevate its position in the new era. In this program, themed "Locating Vietnam in the flow of time,"...
Fighting corruption without hindering economic progress

Fighting corruption without hindering economic progress

(VOVWORLD) - At the 26th meeting of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption last week, General Secretary and President To Lam, who heads the committee, reaffirmed a resolute stance against corruption with the motto...

Politburo issues notice on Party leader’s health

(VOVWORLD) - The Party Central Office on Thursday issued the Politburo's announcement on the health situation of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. At the request of the Specialized Council for Protection...