US: strategy against ISIL is working

US: strategy against ISIL is working

(VOVworld) - The US-led strategy to degrade and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is working, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday, but emphasized that the fight against the...
US air strike against the IS in Syria ready

US air strike against the IS in Syria ready

(VOVworld) – Pentagon’s officials have announced that the US military has everything it needs to strike targeting the Islamic State group (IS) in Syria, and is awaiting President Barack Obama...
US prepares air strikes against the IS

US prepares air strikes against the IS

(VOVworld) – The US military is ready to conduct air strikes targeting the Islamic State (IS) in Syria, but President Barack Obama has not yet signed off on the plan
US: more troops in Australia

US: more troops in Australia

(VOVworld) - The Pentagon is considering increasing the number of US troops in Australia, calling a proposed a new force posture agreement between the United States and Australia a “milestone” in their relationship. At...
World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

(VOVworld) – World media continues to run articles indicating support for Vietnam’s stance and condemning China’s illegal deployment of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone...
US to boost defense cooperation with Asia

US to boost defense cooperation with Asia

(VOVworld) – US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will hold a series of meetings with senior Asian defense officials in the first half of next month to bolster Washington’s commitment to...
US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

(VOVworld)- US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that he will travel to Pakistan on Monday for talks on bilateral relations and regional security issues including Afghanistan
Chinese Defense Minister visits the US

Chinese Defense Minister visits the US

(VOVworld) - Visiting Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan is expected to hold talk with the US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in the Pentagon on Monday

US reaffirms defense treaty with Philippines

The United States on Saturday reaffirmed its commitment to a defense treaty with the Philippines, which is currently embroiled in a territorial dispute with Beijing over the West Philippine Sea....
UN Secretary General discusses Syria situation

UN Secretary General discusses Syria situation

UN spokesperson Martin Nesirky said on Friday that UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has met with high-level diplomats of P5 which includes the 5 permanent UN Security Council members - the United...