PM Sunak pledges to reduce taxes

PM Sunak pledges to reduce taxes

(VOVWORLD) - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to cut 21.7 billion USD in taxes to support businesses and homebuyers if he is re-elected in the July 4...
Vietnam calls for an end to tensions in Middle East

Vietnam calls for an end to tensions in Middle East

(VOVWORLD) - Minister Counselor and Deputy Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN, Nguyen Hoang Nguyen has called on all concerned parties to exercise maximum restraint, cease hostile actions,...
PM works with tech giant Viettel

PM works with tech giant Viettel

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh visited and held a working meeting with Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel) on Tuesday
Niger ends military agreement with US

Niger ends military agreement with US

(VOVWORLD) -Niger’s military government announced that it has ended an accord with the US that allowed military personnel and civilian staff from the Department of Defense to operate in...
Israel accepts ceasefire in Gaza, US says

Israel accepts ceasefire in Gaza, US says

(VOVWORLD) - Israel has accepted a 6-week ceasefire agreement in Gaza, in return for the release by Hamas of captives considered vulnerable, a US official said on Saturday