Productivity improved to narrow development gap

Productivity improved to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with ministries and sectors last weekend to discuss ways to improve Vietnam's labor productivity. The Prime Minister emphasized that improving labor productivity...
Global progress in AI management

Global progress in AI management

(VOVWORLD) - Global efforts to build legal frameworks to oversee and manage the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology have made progress with the EU’s final approval of...
US announces new tariff hikes on Chinese imports

US announces new tariff hikes on Chinese imports

(VOVWORLD) - Some of the steep US tariff increases on an array of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles (EVs) and their batteries, computer chips, and medical products, will take effect on August...
Second Dong Thap lotus festival opens

Second Dong Thap lotus festival opens

(VOVWORLD) - A lotus festival, the second its kind, opened on Thursday in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap to introduce hundreds of One Commune One Product (OCOP) products and...