Thien Nhan & Friends program brings hope to unlucky children

Thien Nhan & Friends program brings hope to unlucky children

(VOVWORLD) - Thien Nhan & Friends program was established 8 years ago to help organize genital reconstruction surgeries for Vietnamese children suffering severe urological birth defects and rare urological conditions. Over the past 8 years, the program has gathered growing support from the public helping unlucky Vietnamese...
Fatah, Hamas sign reconciliation agreement

Fatah, Hamas sign reconciliation agreement

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders of the Hamas and Fatah movements in Palestine last Thursday reached a reconciliation agreement in Cairo, Egypt, ending a decade of disagreement and division. The historic agreement creates...
Efforts to defuse Gulf tensions

Efforts to defuse Gulf tensions

(VOVWORLD) - British Prime Minister Theresa May urged Saudi, Bahraini, and Qatari leaders on Thursday to de-escalate tensions over Qatar and restore unity within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Oceans are under threat

Oceans are under threat

(VOVWORLD) - June 8th is World Ocean Day. Covering two thirds of the earth surface, seas and oceans are huge reserves of biological resources, energy and materials which can replace drying resources on...
Vietnamese paddy crab noodles

Vietnamese paddy crab noodles

(VOVWORLD) - Beside famous "Pho", there are other awesome noodle dishes in Vietnamese cuisine. For example, paddy crab noodles. The broth, the rice vermicelli noodles, the crab paste, and the beautiful selection of condiments...
National Assembly seeks to improve performance

National Assembly seeks to improve performance

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly reviewed its performance over the last 5 years on Monday. In addition to legislation, oversight, and deciding key national issues, the National Assembly looked for ways to improve its performance in the...
Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet

Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) - Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi reshuffled his cabinet Tuesday, naming new foreign and interior ministers following signs of discord within the government of the war-torn country