Government work urgently resumed after Tet

Government work urgently resumed after Tet

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a meeting of permanent Government members on Thursday, the first working day after the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday, to review the...
NA Chairman pays pre-Tet visit to Yen Bai

NA Chairman pays pre-Tet visit to Yen Bai

(VOVWORLD) -As the Lunar New Year Festival is approaching, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on Wednesday visited and gave gifts to policy families, people with meritorious services, poor households,...
Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

(VOVWORLD) - After attending the 54th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will pay official visits to Hungary and Romania from January 18-23. The visits are...
Vietnam moves toward green economy

Vietnam moves toward green economy

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has increased investment in science and technology and efforts to promote green, environment-friendly economy. The government and businesses have focused on technology to serve the development of...
MoIT calls for energy-saving practice

MoIT calls for energy-saving practice

(VOVWORLD) - Economical and efficient use of electricity is considered one of the important and urgent solutions, contributing to ensuring sufficient electricity for economic development and social life
Vietnam expects an influx of high-quality FDI

Vietnam expects an influx of high-quality FDI

(VOVWORLD) -In the first two months of this year, Vietnam’s public investment performed well, but private investment including both domestic and foreign direct investment is slowing down. The increase...
Spring longevity celebrations honor the elderly

Spring longevity celebrations honor the elderly

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese have a custom of holding longevity ceremonies to celebrate the elderly and show their children’s respect. Longevity celebrations in Vietnam are held in the early Spring...
PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday, the first working day after Lunar New Year holiday, requested ministries, agencies and localities to urgently start work, so as not to delay production...
Vietnam’s economy recovers and develops sustainably

Vietnam’s economy recovers and develops sustainably

(VOVWORLD) - Many international economic organizations including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and Fitch Ratings have said Vietnam's economic growth rate will likely reach 6.5% this year, coinciding...