Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine deal

Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine deal

(VOVworld) – The Dutch public went to the polls on Wednesday to decide whether to back a European treaty which seeks to strengthen ties with Ukraine
Bolivia postpones announcing referendum result

Bolivia postpones announcing referendum result

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, Bolivia’s National Electoral Council said that they had postponed announcing the result of the referendum on constitutional reform to allow President Evo Morales to run for...
Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister David Cameron has enhanced diplomatic efforts to gain support for the UK’s EU reform proposal at a summit in February. It will impact a referendum...
World leaders read 2016 New Year addresses

World leaders read 2016 New Year addresses

(VOVworld) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Germans not to be divided and be united to reject anti-foreigner sentiment. In her New Year address on Thursday, Ms. Angela Merkel...
Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

(VOVworld)- Over the past 70 years, the Vietnamese National Assembly’s legislation has created a firm legal foundation for the building of a law-governed Vietnamese state of the people, by the...
No progress yet in UK-EU negotiations

No progress yet in UK-EU negotiations

(VOVworld) – The EU Summit in Brussels last week discussed the UK’s proposed list of reforms, which included a proposal that the EU curb benefits for EU migrants to the UK for...