Anti-monarchy protests in Spain

Anti-monarchy protests in Spain

(VOVworld) - Tens of thousands across Spain have taken to the streets to demand a referendum on whether the country should keep its monarchy or be proclaimed a republic, following the...
Ukraine facing new challenges

Ukraine facing new challenges

(VOVworld) – A majority in Lugansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine voted for independence in a referendum late last week. The result has intensified Ukraine’s internal disagreement with a presidential...
Instability continues in southeastern Ukraine

Instability continues in southeastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – The situation in the southeastern region of Ukraine remains unstable despite acting Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsya announced on Monday that the Kiev caretaker government is implementing commitments set in...
Egypt sees protests supporting Morsi

Egypt sees protests supporting Morsi

(VOVworld) – Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi protested in Egypt on Wednesday marking 3 years since the referendum on the amended constitution