Global community strives to ease tension in Gaza

Global community strives to ease tension in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - The international community is racing to find solutions to ease tensions in Gaza, fearing that the conflict will spread beyond the Middle East and push millions of civilians into...
Azerbaijan declares detailed plans for Armenians in Karabakh

Azerbaijan declares detailed plans for Armenians in Karabakh

(VOVWORLD) - The Azerbaijani Presidential Administration on Monday published a detailed plan for the reintegration of the Armenian community living in the Karabakh region. The plan covers culture, education, management, security, economics...
Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

(VOVWORLD) - Implementing the direction of the Government, the Prime Minister and the conclusion of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietnam, on September 19, the General Director of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), issued Directive...