Vietnamese in Ukraine still safe

Vietnamese in Ukraine still safe

(VOVworld) – 6,000 Vietnamese living in Kharkov city, one of the hot spots in Ukraine, are still safe despite political tensions
Obsession with war and mental therapy

Obsession with war and mental therapy

(VOVworld) - 40 years since the end of the Vietnam war, many American war veterans haven’t been able to find peace of mind. They have been struggling with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder...
COP 19’s last day still in deadlock

COP 19’s last day still in deadlock

(VOVworld) – 10 days of heated debate of the 19th UN Climate Change Conference (COP 19) concluded on Friday in Warsaw, Poland, with differences between developing and developed countries about major...
“Memorial Day”, a post-war story

“Memorial Day”, a post-war story

(VOVworld) – American war veteran Brian Delate, who is also an actor and author of the play “Memorial Day”, said the play has many details from his real life and stories...
Series of bombings in Iraq kills 56

Series of bombings in Iraq kills 56

A series of bombings and shootings in Iraq on Tuesday left 56 people dead and over 170 others injured. The most serious attack hit the Talbiya area, northern Baghdad, when a...
Twin bombings rock mosques in Tripoli, Lebanon

Twin bombings rock mosques in Tripoli, Lebanon

The two powerful explosions ripped through neighborhoods near mosques in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli on Friday. At least 27 people died and 350 were wounded in the bombings, Lebanese Red Cross...
Violence mounts in Egypt

Violence mounts in Egypt

(VOVworld) - The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has continued its wave of protests despite big losses and a new curfew. Morsi supporters torched government buildings Thursday in Giza, west of Cairo
US responds to super storm Sandy

US responds to super storm Sandy

(VOV) – Super storm Sandy swept inland US eastern coast Tuesday morning (Vietnam time), killing at least 13 people and affecting 1,500 kilometer long swathe
Two earthquakes in Iran kill 250

Two earthquakes in Iran kill 250

(VOVworld)- Two powerful earthquakes killed 250 people and injured around 1,800 in northwest Iran, where rescue workers frantically combed the rubble of dozens of villages throughout the night and...