February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013

Happy New Year, dear listeners. I’m very glad to be with you on the first edition of the Letter Box after a week off for Tet, the Lunar New Year...

France calls for UN peace keeping force deployed in Mali

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Wednesday that France wanted a United Nations peacekeeping force to replace French forces deployed in Mali by April, incorporating troops offered by West African nations. The force would...
New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula

New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- South Korea has announced it successfully launched a rocket into space on Wednesday. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening to launch its third nuclear test in retaliation for UN Security Council...
Reforms to improve effectiveness of CG meeting

Reforms to improve effectiveness of CG meeting

(VOVworld) – Starting next year, the Vietnam Development Partnership Forum will replace the Consultative Group Meeting and will be jointly chaired by the World Bank and the Ministry of Planning and...
Rocky road for climate change response

Rocky road for climate change response

(VOVworld) – There has been little indication of any future for the Kyoto Protocol at the ongoing UN conference on climate change in Qatar. The Kyoto Protocol, currently the only international agreement to reduce greenhouse...
Egyptian judges condemn Morsi’s new decree

Egyptian judges condemn Morsi’s new decree

Egypt’s Supreme Judicial Council on Saturday condemned the new constitutional declaration and demanded that powers of constitutional oversight be restored to the courts. After an emergency meeting, the body...
PCA- a new framework for Vietnam-EU relations

PCA- a new framework for Vietnam-EU relations

(VOV/VOVworld)- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the EU delegation to Vietnam held a seminar on Tuesday with the theme: “Partnership and Cooperation Agreement’, PCA - a new framework for...
Has the war in Syria come to an end?

Has the war in Syria come to an end?

(VOVworld) – Beginning next month, Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi will replace Kofi Annan as special U.N. and Arab League envoy to Syria. He has pledged to prioritize the Syrian people’s interests and spare no effort...
UN appoints new envoy to Syria

UN appoints new envoy to Syria

(VOVworld) - Lakhdar Brahimi, a former Algerian foreign minister and longtime UN diplomat, has been appointed to replace former Secretary-General Kofi Annan as UN – Arab League peace envoy to Syria

Philippine government, MILF end peace talks

The Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have concluded the 29th round of formal peace negotiation to build up a new political entity in Southern Philippines. In a joint...