Global impacts from sanctions on Russia

Global impacts from sanctions on Russia

(VOVworld) – The ruble devaluation and the risk of economic recession in Russia are direct results of the West’s financial sanctions on Russia. VOV analyzes the effects of the Russian...
Wednesday August 27, 2014

Wednesday August 27, 2014

(VOVworld) - Walt Davison of the UK wrote: "I was surprised to discover what a beautiful country Vietnam is, and how many tourism opportunities there are for visitors from other countries....
Seeking support from Latin America

Seeking support from Latin America

(VOVworld)- Russian President Vladimir Putin will begin a tour of Cuba, Argentina and Brazil on Friday. Since Moscow is seeking ways to deal with increasing international isolation due to the crisis...
G-7 threatens Russia with more sanctions

G-7 threatens Russia with more sanctions

(VOVworld) - The world’s leading industrial powers (G-7) threatened further sanctions on Russia over the Ukrainian crisis and said they will boycot the June Group of Eight (G8) summit...
G8 summit closed

G8 summit closed

The G8 summit wrapped up on Tuesday in Northern Ireland with an agreement on Syria, the fight against tax evasion and tax fraud
Syrian conflicts: center of G8 summit

Syrian conflicts: center of G8 summit

(VOVworld) – The G8 summit of leading industrialized nations opened in Northern Ireland on Monday. Its ambitious agenda focuses on how to recover the global economic recession. But disagreements over policies for Syria...
Euro crisis overshadows G8 talks

Euro crisis overshadows G8 talks

Leaders of the world’s eight largest economies held an online conference on the euro crisis on Thursday, the day before the G8 summit takes place in the US
Putin not to attend the G8 summit in the US

Putin not to attend the G8 summit in the US

Russian President Vladimir Putin has told US President Barack Obama that he will not attend the G8 summit in the US later this month. Mr Putin, who was inaugurated as President...